Sunday 20th June 2021
A Virtual Premiere
Almost two months after our first venture into the virtual world we are proud to present our second recording made whilst physically distant from each other. The current plan is to have our first rehearsal for 15 months this coming Thursday so - all being well - this will also be our last such video.
Soliloquy - In The Stillness is a recently published composition by our Bandmaster, Howard J Evans, and it is best to use his words from the score notes as the description.
This solo had two major sources of motivation. I had been asked to write a Baritone Solo for a former student at Salford University and, at the time, I was also recovering from my own health issues. As part of that journey the George Marshall song, ‘In the Stillness’, had had a prominent place in my thoughts. It is worth noting that a Soliloquy is an act of speaking one's thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any hearers! The writing of the piece was a very personal expression and reflection upon the original song, and especially the chorus:
Come to my heart, Lord, like dew gently falling;
Scatter my darkness like breaking of day.
Now in the stillness I list’ for thy calling,
Ready to hear Thy small voice as I pray,
Not in the fire, nor yet in the earthquake,
Here do but whisper, and I will obey;
Here do but whisper, and I will obey.
Again, for a variety of reasons not everyone was able to participate, but the majority of the Band are featured in the video and we are pleased to welcome two guests - Carl Woodman and Nicola Redhead - who are both long-standing friends of the Band and who have played alongside us on a number of occasions.
The video can also be found on YouTube as well as the Band's own Facebook Page
We hope you enjoy and are blessed by this music and we are all looking forward to the day when we once again can make music together.